Meet Our Leaders
Board of Directors

Ed & Lisa Young
Fellowship Church
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Ed Young is a pastor, author and conference speaker noted for his creative communication style. He has a passion for making the complex simple, as he speaks truth to people in ways they can understand and apply to their everyday lives. With a passion to equip and train leaders in the church, Ed began C3 Global, and the Creative Church Conferences (C3) in order to provide resources to thousands of pastors and leaders around the world. Ed has also had the opportunity to publish several books on the topics of leadership, Christian living, marriage and parenting. Ed’s latest book, The Fear Virus, was released in June 2020. He and his wife, Lisa, have four grown children and four grandchildren.

Mac & Julie Richard
Lake Hills Church
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Pastor Mac and Julie Richard founded Lake Hills Church in 1997, with the aspiration to redefine church for the city of Austin and beyond. Mac and Julie believe deeply in the unique power that the local church has to change lives and unite people. They are committed to living out and sharing the vision of LHC: to grow the community of Christ one life at a time. Serving as LHC’s Lead Pastor, Mac is a passionate communicator, creative thinker, and highly practical teacher. Recognizing the opportunity that the church has to develop Christ-centered leaders in the home, community, and marketplace, Mac founded SPUR Leadership in 2009. Mac and Julie have been married for over twenty-six years and have two children, Emily and Joseph.

David & Lisa Hughes
Church By The Glades
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Pastor David Hughes is the Lead Pastor of Church by the Glades, a multicultural fellowship with multiple campuses in South Florida. He has been part of a church resurrection, seeing a declining congregation of less than 500 soar to over 9000 in average worship attendance. Creativity, cutting-edge worship, and a passion for helping people far from God connect with Christ are key components in the mixology of this innovative church. A graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Theological Seminary, Pastor David is a homegrown South Florida product, sensitive to the diversity and unique opportunities of the area. He is honored to love and lead CBG alongside his wife Lisa since 1998. They have three children: Charlie, Victoria and Zane.

Bil & Jessica Cornelius
Church Unlimited
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Bil Cornelius is the founder and lead pastor of Church Unlimited, formally Bay Area Fellowship, in Corpus Christi, Texas. With a relentless focus on seeing lives changed, a heart for planting churches, and a successful television ministry, Church Unlimited has grown to over 8,000 weekly members, making it one of Outreach Magazine‘s Top 100 fastest-growing churches in America. As a result of their balanced ministry, Church Unlimited received the prestigious Church Health Award from Pastor Rick Warren and Purpose Driven Ministries. With their latest campus launch in San Antonio, Church Unlimited is focusing every effort on taking their ministry worldwide. Bil lives in Texas with his wife, Jessica, and their three children.

Ben & Krissie Young
Second Baptist Houston
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Dr. Ben Young is a writer and pastor at Second Baptist Church, a diverse, multi-ethnic church with over 20,000 people attending weekly services online and on six campuses throughout the city of Houston. The author of several books, including Room for Doubt, Devotions for Dating Couples and Why Mike’s Not a Christian, Dr. Young is also an adjunct professor at Houston Theological Seminary where he teaches homiletics, apologetics and practical theology. He was educated at Baylor University, Southwestern Theological Seminary and Bethel Theological Seminary in San Diego. Having hosted a nationally syndicated radio talk show for years and serving as chaplain for the Houston Astros, Dr. Young also enjoys surfing and practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Galen & Kay Woodward
Citizen Church
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Pastors Galen and Kay Woodward moved to Albuquerque in 1981 to become Youth Pastors at what was then First Family Church. After 12 years of leading in that capacity, they were named the new Lead Pastors, bringing with them a fresh vision that would serve not only the Church, but the surrounding communities and the world for the next 28 years. After more than four decades in ministry, Pastors Galen and Kay transitioned their role as Lead Pastors, of what is now Citizen Church, to their oldest son Dustin and his wife, Mandy. Pastor Galen has now taken on the new role as a Pastoral Oversight of the church.
Leadership Team

Brad & Stephanie White
Fellowship Church
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In early 2000, Brad and Stephanie White moved to Tampa to start a church, simply put, “For people who don’t do church.” Since their humble inception in an apartment complex, that church grew to see thousands of people come and experience authentic life change through the simple yet powerful message of Jesus. Brad’s life passion is to clearly and creatively communicate God’s Word with various cultures and life stages through the local church. Pastor Brad is now the Director of C3 Global. He and his wife Stephanie live in Dallas, Fort Worth, and with their three children: Landon, Caroline & Catherine.

Dave & Jenn Clark
Fellowship Church
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Dave Clark has a passion to connect and grow the local church in a creative and compelling way. He has a heart for pastors and ministry which is attributed to him growing up in a pastor’s home in Pennsylvania. He graduated from Valley Forge University, with an emphasis in Pastoral Ministries, which then led him to National Community Church in Washington, D.C., where he served as a pastor under Sr. Pastor Mark Batterson until 2009. For over a decade, Dave has served as one of the pastors at Fellowship Church and has his hand in much of the executive decision making, creative planning, and staff development. Dave and his wife Jenn reside in Coppell, TX and are the parents to three children.

Dr. Mark & Beth Denison
There's Still Hope
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Mark and Beth are addiction recovery specialists, with extensive experience and training in the field. Beth is a Certified Life Coach, an A.A.S.A.T. Certified Partners Recovery Coach, and a trauma specialist. Mark has a Master’s Degree in Addiction Recovery and is a trained P.S.A.P. Together, they are founders of an international recovery ministry, There’s Still Hope, and have authored nine books on recovery, including Jesus & the 12 Steps, Partner Recovery Guide, and Life Recovery Plan. Mark served as a senior pastor for 31 years, as chaplain to the Houston Rockets, and as Board Chairman for Houston Baptist University. His degrees include a D.Min. and M.Div. Beth is a popular conference speaker and leader of ladies ministries, as well as frequent podcast guest. They lead nine weekly recovery groups and have led hundreds of clients into freedom from addiction. Mark and Beth are both from Houston, have been married since 1983, and have one son.
Advisory Team

Daren & Laura Carstens
Enjoy Church
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Pastors Daren & Laura Carstens became senior pastors of New Testament Fellowship in 2000. The mission was to imitate the church of the New Testament. In 2009 the church name was changed to Enjoy Church to express the church’s heartbeat, encapsulated in the scripture in John 10:10 – “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full, till it overflows.” With a passion for life and a desire to help people reach their full potential, Daren mixes humor, encouragement, and a practical life-changing message of hope.

Tim & Donna Chambers
Fresh Start Church
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Pastor Tim Chambers is responsible for casting the vision that motivates Fresh Start Church. With a staff and volunteer base of over 400 individuals, Tim guides the organization into a Christ focused future. Tim believes in consistently pushing the envelope, raising the bar, and reaching the one. With almost three decades of ministry experience, his perspective and understanding of church growth and trends is unprecedented. Using this wisdom, he coaches other pastors in both our community and abroad. Pastor Tim was raised just outside of Detroit, Michigan and married his wife, Donna, in 1983. He graduated from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO with a B.S. in Youth Ministry and a minor in Church Studies.

Zak & Amber White
Revolution Church
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Together, Pastor Zak and Amber lead Revolution Church with a passion to see a revolution of God's grace happen in one life at a time. They moved to San Antonio and started the church in 2010. They have one son, Couper, and a daughter, Annabelle. Zak enjoys espresso way too much, working out, long boarding, and fishing. Amber enjoys sewing, reading and sitting on the beach. They have been married and in ministry together for over 20 years. Pastor Zak studied at Wayland Baptist University and holds a Bachelors in Biblical Studies.